Sunday, October 11, 2009 6:04 AM
Passing-out ceremony
It has been brought to my attention by the J-Blog Licensing Committee that although I have been blogging on things Japan-related for quite some time, I have not yet included the obligatory picture of a passed-out salaryperson sleeping in an inappropriate position on a public conveyance.
So, with no further ado, I present you with "Unconscious Guy With a Briefcase and a Tie On the Floor of the Last Yamanote Line train to Ikebukuro":
More amusing pictures of people sleeping on Japanese trains can be found
Posted in Scenes from Japan
I understand there are strange flavours of Kit Kats in Japan. Could you enlighten us?
A.J. Blogger
So this is due to lactose intolerance? Here, it's mostly barley intolerance that gets to people when they're on their way home late in the evening.
@Satellite Internet Service Providers: Maybe if they had Satellite internet service they wouldn't find themselves in such predicaments?