Japan Blog Widgets
To add the time widget
Just add this code to your blog or website:
To add the date widget
Just add this code to your blog or website:
To add the weekday widget
Just add this code to your blog or website:
I'll be adding more options as time permits: if you have any suggestions, ideas or feedback, post it here!
I have some ideas for improving the existing widgets and adding a couple more; watch this space :-).
I've added two of them to my blog about Japan (in Swedish), japanfakta.se/blog/
Have you visited Bloglue yet? A website dedicated to Japanese widgets. Actually, it introduces Japanese widgets to the English speaking/reading world and vice versa. It does this by providing a translated explanation of the widget and simple instructions where required. It has a Japanese and English version. It's a web service by the largish Japanese web services company, Samurai Factory (heard of Ninja Tools?). By the way, just to be honest, I happen to be the translator for Bloglue. :-)